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     In memory of Li, Jia and Qian, Yun

Memorial Service(悼念活动)


Memorial Articles(悼念文章)


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     On June 16, 2008, the Mandarin Chinese School, ACP foundation and the entire Chinese Community of Dallas-Fort Worth lost two dearest friends Dr. Li Jia and Teacher Qian Yun to a car accident in New York.  We have established this memorial web site to let friends and relatives have a venue to express their deep love and admiration for the great couple, and to extend their condolences to the Li and Qian families, especially to the couple’s only son, Mr. Li You.   

     The sudden and early passing-away of Dr. Li and Teacher Qian is a huge loss, not only to their beloved son, Li You, and their families, but also to the entire community. Their tremendous contribution to the community has made DFW a better place to live for all of us.

      They will be missed by us all !  



德州大学阿灵顿分校(UTA)物理系副研究员李佳博士,1947821日出生于黑龙江省佳木斯市一个军人家庭。李佳高中毕业后, 于1969年由北京到黑龙江省下乡务农并于1972年经基层推荐进入东北重型机械学院轧钢系学习。1975年毕业后在北京重型机械厂工作. 1978年以优异成绩考入中国科学院高能物理研究所学习。后于1979年作为文革以后国家选送的首批公派留学生来到美国并成为著名物理学家丁肇中教授和中科院高能物理研究所联合培养的研究生,后于1984年获得博士学位。李佳博士自1978年进入中科院高能物理研究所后,一直探索基本粒子的科学研究。曾任该所副研究员,中国第一座高能加速器-北京正负电子对撞机-频谱仪的首席工程师。1992年到UTA之后,他先后参与了费米国家实验室的D零项目,欧洲核子中心大型强子对撞器中的ATLAS项目,和计划中的国际直线对撞机以及探测器方面的设计与发展工作。是一位卓有成就的优秀物理学家.他利用业余时间在阿灵顿中华汉语学校教授趣味物理,多年担任该校义工,与钱云一道,积极参与达福地区华人的活动,广做善事,是一位一贯助人为乐的热心人。

李佳博士生于将门其父是东北抗日联军名将李荆璞,1955年被授予少将军衔,曾任中国海军第七研究院副院长。李佳夫妇的独子李优于2006毕业于马丁高中(James Martin High School)同年被西点军校录取亦将从戎。      

阿灵顿中华汉语学校中文老师美中专业人士协会理事钱云师,19491228日出生于吉林省长春市一个工人家庭。   1952年随父母迁至辽宁省抚顺市并在该地完成初中教育。1968年到辽宁省插队务农。因表现出色,于1972年经推荐进入东北重型机械学院自动化控制系学习。在学期间,与当时就读于同校轧钢系的李佳相识。1975年大学毕业后到北京海军第七设计研究院参加工作。1977年与李佳结为伴侣。1991年携幼子李优到芝加哥看望在费米实验室工作的丈夫。于1993年随夫迁来德州生活。钱云生前长期义务担任UTA中国学生和学者联合会顾问,当选过多届美中专业人士协会(ACP)理事,是ACP的终身会员,曾两次荣膺最佳会员称号。她在阿灵顿中华汉语学校任教达10年之久并于2008年春荣获中国政府颁发的中文教育优秀教师奖。钱云多年来满腔热情地服务华人社区,无私奉献,为美南侨界知名活动人士。她待人诚恳,乐于助人, 为众多初来美国的学生,学者提供帮助,为华商牵线搭桥。她组织赈灾义卖,介绍中国文化,协办回国签证,代购航空机票,尽其所能,方便侨界,是大家的好朋友。钱云也是是一位贤妻良母。她勤俭持家,关爱丈夫,教子有方,是一位好妻子,好母亲。



Stories from friends:

By Gong,Wei

     I was planning my Geneva trip for visiting my late sister when the sad news arrived. I had through disbelieved, speechless, shocked, then numbed….  

     I have been living at Arlington for over 20 years. The name of Qian Yun has been always mentioned when there were any Chinese community activities. Although some of my long time friends mentioned her constantly, I have known her in person just a few years ago.  To me, her name has been always linked with the warmness. Here, I’m sharing a couple of stories in remembering her.

     It was a party at Huixiang’s home. It may be the first time I meet Yun or one of early ones. I was looking around the food table and tried to pick up some fruits into my plate. Yun came over and recommended me to try her strawberry. She ensured me that her berries were not only in good quality also very clean. Then she taught me how to wash fruits like berry type. Rinse them, soak in salt water for a couple of minutes, then rinse again. I tried her berry and it was the best strawberry I had never had. Until today, I clean berries or grapes just like she taught. I did not thanked her for the tip. Thank you, Qian Yun! 

     It happened at least two or three times. I was preoccupied with other matters while running errands with my daughter. I didn’t see Yun was there and waved to me happily. Diane pulled my sleeve and said ‘Mama, your friend’. I lift my head and saw a smiling Yun there.  It always lights my spirits when you got warm greetings while doing the boring chore.

     Last night, I started the sad news with kids and Mike and just couldn’t finish it. Late, Diane asked whether I have Aunt's pictures. I do. I took them on 5/26/2008 and never thought sending them out. In deep of my mind, there is always a chance we will run cross each other and no need in hurry, but...

     My heart goes with their beloved son Li You!



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