Arlington, Texas

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About TMCS

     The Mandarin Chinese School (TMCS) is located in Arlington, Texas, the heart of Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. Established at 1997 as a non-profit,  educational organization by a group of local residents, the Mandarin Chinese School is the only Chinese language school in the Arlington - Fort Worth area that is dedicated to teaching Pinyin (Chinese phonics system), Putonghua (Mandarin Chinese), and Jianhuazi (Simplified Chinese Characters), along with classes offered in areas of calligraphy, painting,  Weiqi, sciences, math, etc. Currently, there are ten Chinese classes (from a preparation class to 9th grade), three  levels of math classes, and art classes.


     With the vision to promote the mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese and American people, and to promote harmony between local Chinese American community and the multi-cultural American society at large, MCS has determined its mission as to introducing the very best of Chinese culture to the children of both Chinese immigrants and native English-speaking Americans who are interested in Chinese culture. There is the  message from our Principal.


     The Mandarin Chinese School is a proud member of The Chinese School Association in the United States.








中华汉语学校的发展离不开本地社区的大力帮助。学校的校址,始于黎德清中医诊所的小厅,后移到了UTATri-C中心,又从North Davis教会到了阿灵顿华人教会(ACC)。每一步的迁移和扩展,都是学校规模扩大的标志,也是社区积极支持的结果。 

除了中文教学,我们也尽力回馈社区,体现我们的社会责任。学校积极组织学生和家长为Katrina灾民捐款捐物;为Food Drive捐赠罐头、食品。热心参加北德州为领养的中国儿童组织的活动,为他们表演和介绍中国音乐和文化。…… 点点滴滴,包含了大家对社区的关心和热爱。



(updated 2018)          


廖国钧 / 叶仲惠,刘继杰 / 刘太太,方新渐 / 张霆,余河清 / 杨愔,苏建忠 / 张炳青


历届董事会主席及成员 (1997-2022)

主席 :刘秀君,姬 弘,朱 丹,郑红伟,许守玺,李和平,孙诚,单龙刚,苏建中,刘 琳,余河清,杨凤英

成员: 方新渐,郭振京,刘子崴,徐文,王薇,陆亚平,孔一新,丁瑞栋,薛 宇,许守玺,王雯秀,蒋献平



校长 :余河清 (1997-2007)

             苏建中 (2007 - 2019)

     李怡曾 (2019 - )

副校长:张 茵 (1997-2007)

               薛 宇 (2007- 2009)

                倪 平 (2009 - 2016)

       白 婷 (2016 - )


Board of Directors

Chair: 倪 平

Vice Chairman: 张 蓓

Secretary: 赵 峰

Members: 刘琳,苏建中,余河清,朱丹,白婷, 魏峰,李怡曾,杨凤英,雷莉萍,王力律



President: 王力律

School Staffs

Principal: 李怡曾

Assistant Principal: 白 婷

Academic Director: 张 蓓

Office Manager: 雷莉萍

Registration: 白 婷

Treasurer: 杨凤英

Cashier: 王雪华

Textbook: 朱 丹

Setup/Cleanup/Safety Patrol: 雷莉萍

Webmaster: 倪 平

School Logo Designer



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