Math for Fun                                                                                                                             Instructor: 魏峰                                                                                                                          

Purpose of Study: To introduce 1st to 2nd grade math

No Textbook required, but we will refer to Andrew Er’s Math Working Sheets, Primary 2; and Math Textbook for Grade 2 used by 杭州实验小学

Materials required: a notebook, a pencil and an eraser; absolutely no calculator

Course Description: This course includes the following topics:

• counting 1 to 1000, counting by 2s, 5s, 10s, 100s, 1000s

• description of numbers, digits

• comparison, ordering of numbers

• addition, single digit, double digit, and triple digit

• subtraction, single digit, double digit, and triple digit

• relation between addition, subtraction and counting

-----------------------------------------------------------1st Grade----------------------------------------------------------------

• description of number axis

• multiplication, single digit, double digit

• division, single digit and double digit

• relation between multiplication and addition, multiplication and division,

• simple equations

• introduction to decimals, fractions, and percentage numbers

• relation among numbers, decimals, fractions, decimals and percentage numbers

• addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions

-----------------------------------------------------------2nd Grade---------------------------------------------------------------

Homework: minimal. Although I strongly believe everything takes practice, this school’s primary mission is to introduce students to Chinese and China culture, history etc. Math is a secondary supporting class, which shouldn’t add extra burden to students.

Quizzes: every single class. But we won’t have major tests, midterm or final. You will know how good your students are through solving a question.

Message to parents: Most parents, including me, have pretty high expectation out of our children. Some are reasonable, and some are not. And we take it for granted that our children will be definitely better than us, in whatsoever measure. Merely because our children are still little, we assume everything is possible and only the sky is the limit. That might be true, but only through step-by-step effort. Your children’s math is only as good as how much effort you’ve made to help her. Over the semesters my observation is students shinning through are the ones whose parents spent a lot of time with them, period. I’m only a drop in the pond. On a second thought, let’s just relax. After all, it is supposed to be Math for Fun!

Any comment or feedback is greatly appreciated. Please shoot me an email at